Longer days? Check. Scorching heat? Check. It’s officially the summer season here in the Philippines!
Have you been drinking enough water to fight the heat? And most importantly, have your pets been drinking water to stay cool?
While you and your furry pals have some fun under the sun, don’t forget to keep an eye out for any signs of heatstroke. Unlike humans, dogs and cats have few sweat glands so they can’t cool off their bodies by sweating. Be on guard if your pets exhibit any of the following:
Excessive panting or drooling
Difficulty breathing
Sudden collapse
Here are just some ways to prevent heatstroke in pets:
Make sure they take breaks in between playing
Don’t leave them under direct sunlight on hot days
Provide good ventilation for your pets if you leave them indoors
Always provide them with water nearby
While you’re here, help this little pup below get a drink of water! Take a screenshot and post your successful hydration checks in our Facebook post.
Glug away!
