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Six things to consider when getting a pet

Writer's picture: Rachel Ann RomoRachel Ann Romo

Naturally, we humans sometimes crave for a companion that is not… human. Think of wings, paws, claws, beaks, fins, furs, and whiskers. Yes, animals have always been great companions since time immemorial. But, caring for them proves to be a much more difficult task to take on.

In this article, we’re going to talk about what you should consider before taking a pet to be your life companion. So, if you’re planning to house a tiger like Jasmine’s Rajah from Aladdin, unfortunately, we can only provide you tips on how to care for a Garfield. These house pets can either be dogs, cats, fish, hamsters, turtles, birds and other usual animal companions we find in most homes.

If you’re looking for a sign, or just a general idea of what to expect if you’re planning to get a pet, especially for first-time pet owners, then you’re in for a treat!

1. They can be costly

I know how exciting the thought is of getting a pet, first time owner or not. However, we must first ask ourselves, can I afford to care for one? Like humans, they also have basic needs that are essential to their living such as food and water. These things vary from one pet to another and if you want the best for your animal companions, some can be costly. Fish, for instance, require electricity for their oxygen pumps and filters.

Pet health care is also a priority. Pets need vaccine shots, medicines when they get sick, and regular check-ups at veterinary clinics. Some pet owners also like to spoil their pets by dressing them up, having them groomed regularly, and buying them toys and treats. Even buying pets from shops or local sellers is already costly, so you might want to consider adopting for your next pet instead.

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2. It may be time-consuming

Taking care of pets is not an 8 to 5 shift. You have to consider that it can become a 24/7 responsibility especially if your pet needs special care. You have to find time playing with them, training them, walking them, regularly cleaning their shelters (cages, play pens, aquariums), and even bathing them.

If you’re planning to get a pet, you must make sure that you have enough time to spend with them, may it be for leisure or just to look after them. As a responsible pet owner, you cannot just leave them on their own. You have to ensure that you have what it takes to tend to their needs at all possible times.

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3. It is a commitment

Although there are pets that can be considered as low-maintenance, dedication is still a must when caring for pets. Some pets can live up to more than a decade, and you have to ask yourself and think if you can manage to care for a pet for that long. It is simply out of the question to dump your pets on the side of the road if you are no longer capable of taking care of them, or sell them if you’ve already lost interest in them.

You have to be certain that when you get a pet, you are going to be 100% committed to being a responsible owner from start to finish. It needs careful planning and deliberate decision-making as pets have certain needs to be met which can be physical, financial, and even just the matter of spending time with them.

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4. They can change your lifestyle

Having pets in your home also means adjusting the way you live. Some pets take up space especially if they have dedicated cages or aquariums inside your house. Pet hygiene is also something to look out for at the beginning, and this may be a challenge if you opt to not train them, especially for pets like cats and dogs. Your house may also smell and you might find fur almost everywhere.

You might want to consider pet-proofing your home by ensuring that important food and objects are kept far away as much as possible. You don’t want to come home to find cat litter on important documents or your dog chewing on chocolate bars.

If you’re fond of going out of town and taking long trips away from home, you must also see to it if you can bring your pet with you, or explore other options on where you can leave your pet cared for.

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5. Do your research

Ultimately, the decision of getting a pet is up to you! You must look into what kind of pet is best suited inside your home and if you have the means to take care of that pet. Choosing the right pet breed is also something you should consider because although dogs or cats belong to the same species, each breed has different needs. However, it is important to note that no matter what breed you choose in the end, they must be shown unconditional TLC nevertheless.

You might also look into your compatibility with pets, whether you have specific allergies that your pet may carry into the home such as fur. Whether your residence or neighborhood allows pets is also something you need to check on.

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6. They are family

This may sound cliché and it has probably been used more than a thousand times in Instagram captions, but the statement can never be truer. If you plan on getting a pet, it is important to remember why you brought them to your house in the first place. Although some people bring in pets for security purposes, still, our responsibility as their caretakers does not end with just feeding them.

We must also ensure that they are given the love and attention that we also share with human beings. After all, our pets rely on us for their survival and literally speaking, their lives depend on our ability to take care of them. As pet owners, we must do our part in making sure that they are living a life worthwhile not just as merely pets but also as members of the family.

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