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Here’s Why You Should Get Yourself A Pet Cat

Writer's picture: Desiree PlaydaDesiree Playda

Photo from Pexels

Cats have a reputation for being snobbish but if I were to be honest, I think that is one of my most favorite things about them. Having to live with seven cats (and counting), I would say that they’re the chillest pets to be with at home. They don’t seem to mind me at all, or even anyone in the house for that matter. They just go about their day on their own. As long as you give them food on time and you scratch their head and bellies when they ask for it occasionally, then all is well.

In this article, I will be talking about why I love having cats. I grew up with cats around me. All of the cats that we have adopted in our household are all stray puspins or “Pusang Pinoy.” They were mostly cats which other households neglected. Some of them never had an owner and just wound up near our house looking for food and shelter during the rainy days. The cats that we currently have are already the descendants of the cats we’ve adopted a long time ago.

Photo from Pexels

I know that most people have their own personal preferences when it comes to adopting pets but I hope that this article will make you consider adopting cats.

Every time I hear a person say that they do not want to adopt a cat, their primary reason is because they have smelly stools. That is true but, don’t we all? And just like humans, cats always see to it that they clean after themselves. In our case, we let them in and out of the house so that they can poop whenever they need to. When they go outside to relieve themselves, they go to spots where there is dry soil so that they can cover their poop with it when they’re done. They do this in the same manner as dogs bury bones. The best thing about this is that we didn’t have to train them to do this. They started doing this on their own when they reached a certain growth.

Another thing which I love the most about having cats as pets is that they are very low maintenance. As I have mentioned, they are the chillest animals to have as pets. Aside from not having to worry about cleaning after them, we also don’t have to get up everyday to take them outside for a walk or a run. They do that by themselves and they always come back when they want to.

We also don’t have to worry about where they can sleep. That is because they can sleep anywhere. They can sleep on the bed, on the floor, outside, on your lap, on the couch, on the table, on the egg tray (yes, on the egg tray), or basically in any corner of the house. Grooming them is not a problem as well, especially if they are puspins. Puspin’s fur does not grow too long. That is why we don’t have to regularly visit pet salons to have their fur trimmed. We also don’t have to worry about them taking a bath. Our cats hate the water. Probably because they don’t really need it anyway. Cats clean themselves through licking their fur and no, they don’t smell at all.

Photo from Pexels

Though cats mind their own business for most of the time, and they also appear very grumpy when at rest, they love to spend time with you as well. They love to snuggle. When I lay down in bed, one of our cats would position itself on me and casually take a nap. This is sometimes a slightly painful experience because they would sometimes knead on my chest with their claws before settling down.

The same goes when I’m sitting and they position themselves on my lap. They would knead on my lap, sometimes leaving small scratches on my skin. However, I don’t mind them kneading at all. It actually feels nice in a sentimental way because I know that kneading is their way of showing and letting me know that they are in a calm state. It means that they feel relaxed when they are around me.

Photo from Pexels

Cats may be perceived to be dangerous because of their sharp claws and teeth, but they are secretly very sweet. Just like any other domesticated animal, they show affection if you show affection to them as well. In places such as the streets, in the market, or maybe in some households in your neighborhood, stray cats often fight back because they get abused by people a lot.

I hope that one day, people slowly reconsider their views on stray cats. I also hope that people would consider adopting instead of buying cats to be their pets. Your next com-paw-nion might just be that one furball hiding outside your house.


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